Tools for writing up qualitative research

There are numerous guides on writing, as well as resources to assist with the task of writing up qualitative research studies. Both writers and qualitative researchers have lots to say about getting started with writing, keeping writing, and representing the findings of qualitative research. Some time ago, I listened to a webinar entitled “Lose the Academese: Be Smart Without Trying to Sound Smart” by John Bond, a publishing consultant of Riverwinds Consulting. This was presented as part of a Writing Gym facilitated by the Textbook & Academic Authors Association. Among other tasks, John offers coaching for authors and advice on publishing. In the webinar, he provided lots of resources that help authors with some of the more mundane, although important, tasks of writing – that is proofreading and editing. These were mostly new to me. Now that I’ve had a chance to look at a few of these, I share them with you as we head into the New Year with permission from John and TAAA. Perhaps you’ll find some inspiration and ideas for you and your students as you polish up your writing to present to others…

Advice writing: the University of Toronto

This tip page from the University of Toronto provides lots of general advice on writing including planning and doing research, how to cite others, as well as common grammatical errors to avoid.

English Language Help Desk

For those of us who are not English teachers, sometimes it’s useful to consult a guide on writing in English. This site has lots of useful tips to remind us about correct grammar and punctuation, in addition to useful links to help locate just the right word to use.

Tameri guide for writers

Founded in 1994, this guide is run by Susan D. Schnelbach and Christopher Scott Wyatt. Although some resources are more suited to creative writers, there are lots of ideas to help academic writers.

Editing and proofreading software

The tools listed below provide editing and proofing services and are available in free and subscription versions.

Grammarly is an extension that can be added to Chrome that checks grammar as one writes. Grammarly will help with punctuation, spelling, and grammar, and the subscription service provides assistance with sentence structure and vocabulary.

PaperRater is a similar sort of tool that is powered by artificial intelligence. PaperRater will check grammar and spelling and provide advice on vocabulary as one writes. The paid version will detect plagiarism and provide writing advice on longer manuscripts.

ProWritingAid is a writing aid available in versions that integrate with a variety of applications, including Microsoft Word, Google Docs, as a Chrome extension, or with Scrivener and Open Office.

Ginger is a writing and editing tool that integrates not only with Chrome but with social media apps such as Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook, and email applications. Ginger also provides translation services.

Unlike the tools listed above, StyleWriter is a downloadable writing and editing software available in starter, standard and professional editions. This application is developed for all sorts of writers, including professional writing for business purposes.

If you would like to explore more resources to assist with writing, John Bond hosts a YouTube Channel focused on publishing. Check it out:

You will find lots of useful ideas on writing and publishing. (And yes, I experimented with one of these tools while writing this blog post!).

All the best with your writing over the coming year.

Kathy Roulston

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