Call for abstracts: International Journal of Research and Method in Education

Special Issue: Racially-Just Epistemologies and Methodologies that Disrupt Whiteness
International Journal of Research & Method in Education
Special Issue Editor(s)
Dr Sana Rizvi, University of Exeter & Dr Altheria Caldera, Intercultural Development Research Association (IDRA)

The International Journal of Research & Method in Education invites authors to contribute to a special issue for publication in Spring 2022, which explores what racially just epistemologies and methodologies look like in educational research. In particular, we are seeking theoretical and empirical manuscripts that advance knowledge of the ways in which educational research can be conducted, drawing upon epistemologies and utilising methodologies that demonstrate respect for Black, Indigenous and other People of Colour (BIPOC). Manuscripts should explore the ways historically marginalised onto-epistemological frameworks and decolonising methodologies can be useful for investigating the lives of racially minoritised students, families and communities. There are a number of challenges that educational research methods need to address. This includes the following:  (1) that whiteness in educational research is sustained by the epistemological ignorance of race (Mills, 2007) and that European colonisation contributes to epistemicide, or the destruction of knowledges held by the subaltern (2014); and (2) that communities of colour are creators of knowledge and should be central to developing knowledge in way that helps them “talk back” to the western construction of their lived experience (bell hooks, 1989, p. 9; Hill Collins, 1990). We look for papers on topics that address these and other related challenges

Contributors to this special issue will critically interrogate existing research methodologies and  epistemologies and propose others that are useful in disrupting the apartheid of knowledge (Delgado Bernal & Villalpando, 2002) and that expose the racial character of knowledge systems in educational research. This issue furthers the ongoing work of people of colour who recognise the need for “theoretical and methodological spaces” of their own (Evans-Winters, 2019, p. 14).

Authors are encouraged to submit abstracts that address the following or related topics: Discussions about what characterizes racially-just methodologies and related epistemologies Critical consideration of the potential for racial injustice in dominant methods and related theories Arguments about the characters and value of racially-just epistemologies and methodologies Exemplifications of the application of racially just epistemologies and methodologies Discussions of problems arising in research seeking to adopt a social justice orientation Examination of the implications of racial justice for the teaching of research methods Analysis of how critical and ethnic epistemologies transform research practices Evaluations of ways Critical Race Theory, Intersectionality, and other race-based critical theories, can be utilised in education research that centres race and other inter-categorical complexity Demonstrations of ways researchers can conduct just and ethical investigations with silenced minoritised communities.

Submission Instructions
Papers should not have been previously published nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere. A guide for authors along with other relevant information can be found on the journal’s homepage.

Final papers should be approximately 7,000 words in length, references included. Prior to submitting a full paper, potential authors are requested to submit an abstract of no more than 500 words to the editors Sana Rizvi and Altheria Caldera. Authors should also submit an academic biography of no more than 150 words. Following review of abstracts, successful authors will be invited to submit their full paper in line with the schedule given below. Papers will undergo a double-blind peer-review process. Invitations to submit full papers for peer-review does not guarantee acceptance for publication.

Important dates
Submission of abstracts: 22 January, 2021
Invitation to submit full papers: 8 February, 2021
Submission to IJRME ScholarOne page of full papers for peer review: 8 July, 2021
Final submissions should be marked as ‘Racially-Just Epistemologies and Methodologies’ special issue and be made online at the International Journal of Research & Method in Education Manuscript Central site.

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