10 things to be thankful for as a qualitative researcher

In the midst of being too busy, sometimes it’s useful to relax, and take a few minutes to think about the things for which we are thankful. Here are a few things that I’m thankful for as a qualitative researcher.

What about you? 

1. There are lots of journals on qualitative methods to read…

Check these out…

2. There are lots of opportunities to attend conferences about qualitative methods…

Here are some of the upcoming conferences that focus on qualitative research later this year, and in 2018.

When & Where Conferences
November 2017


Qual-World Interactive Virtual Conference hosted by the International Institute for Qualitative Methodology
January 2018

Nova Southeastern University

Fort Lauderdale, Florida

The Qualitative Report 
February 2018

Las Vegas, Nevada

Ethnographic and Qualitative Research Conference 

Sponsored by University of Nevada at Las Vegas, College of Education

May 2018

Banff, Canada

Qualitative Methods Conference

hosted by the International Institute for Qualitative Methodology

May 2018

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois

 International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry 
May 2018

Valencia, Spain

Worldwide Conference on Qualitative Research 

3. There are lots of new books being published on qualitative methods…

Here are few books on my reading list…

Atkinson, P. (2017). Thinking ethnographically. Los Angeles: Sage.

O’Reilly, M., & Dogra, N. (2017). Interviewing children and young people for research. Los Angeles: Sage.

Pernecky, T. (2016). Epistemology and metaphysics for qualitative research .Los Angeles: Sage.

Carter, S., & Laurs, D. (eds.). (2017). Developing research writing: A handbook for supervisors and advisors. London: Routledge.

What’s on your reading list?

4. There is no one right way of doing things.

5. There is always something new to learn.

6. Qualitative scholars explore innovative ways to present the findings of their research. Here are a few ideas…

Fiction and creative non-fiction


Performance texts

Readers Theater

Visual methods

7. Qualitative scholarship speaks to diverse audiences.

8. Qualitative methods provide a variety of ways to look at the world, including talking to people through interviewing;  exploring visual media — including graphic elicitation methods, video and photos; being in and observing field settings; and exploring written documentation through texts, archives, material culture, and online data.

9. Qualitative scholars continue to innovate on existing methodological traditions and explore new ways to do things… here are a few approaches that continue to change:


Narrative inquiry


Online research 

10. Qualitative researchers discuss the ethics of doing research.

As a qualitative researcher, what are you thankful for?

Kathy Roulston 

One thought on “10 things to be thankful for as a qualitative researcher

  1. New methodology
    Liming and Ole talk
    A methodoogy that fits with the way Caribbean people do research and fits with the decolonization of western research methodologies.
    Dr Nakkid has been leading the use of this research methodology.

    Liked by 1 person

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